I have told you before about my friends little girl  Leah.  She has Apraxia of Speech.  

Leah making breakfast

  So, she doesn’t speak. 

Talking to Liz

 Needless to say, when Leah comes to play at our house – the house  is quite. 

Making breakfast

One of the many things that strike me about Leah is how she loves.  

She simply just LOVES – the way a person should. 


When I heard this quote yesterday by Blessed Mother Teresa . . . I couldn’t help but think of four year Leah  – Who teaches me so much in her silence. 

Leah looking at Liz

 “The fruit of Silence is prayer. The fruit of Prayer is faith. The fruit of Faith is love. The fruit of Love is service. The fruit of Service is peace.”  

 -Mother Teresa

Ready to Waltz  / The Long Road to ChinaPhoto Story Friday/Friday Photo Journal

11 thoughts on “teaching in her Silence

  1. Thank you so much for the comment, I’m absolutely delighted to meet a fellow Catholic blogger! You seriously made my week! =)
    I just started posting pro-life stuff on my blog not too long ago & I wasn’t expecting it, but I got a ‘not so nice’ comment a couple weeks ago about it & got a lil discouraged, but now, you’ve ‘re-encouraged’ me… Thank you for that!
    Be Bold, Be Catholic! God Bless! =)


  2. Darling captures! Sometimes I find my self filling up the silence with too many things. Perhaps, I am missing some of the golden opportunities to love the little things. Thank you for reminding me to stop, be silent and embrace the moment.


  3. I’ve been so busy that I just got a chance to comment on your last comment… I love the bracelet ‘Never Give In To Evil’ – That’s awesome! God bless your son for wearing that!
    About Obama & abortion, yes, he THOROUGHLY supports abortions & not only that, but he supports late term abortion… he voted to ban restrictions on late term abortions when he was in Illinois, and when he talked at the Planned Parenthood gala last month, he said as long as he has anything to do with, abortion & PP will continue, then he said, “GOD BLESS YOU”… as if God blesses a baby killing organization!!! Those ppl have sold their souls to the devil & they’ll have to answer to God, Obama will too!
    Also, more chilling info, is that Obama said he wouldn’t allow his daughters to get a tattoo, but HE WOULD ALLOW THEM TO HAVE AN ABORTION!!! He said it! He went back later & said after he thought about it that he’d allow them to get a tattoo & that they could all pick out something that the whole family could get! He’s the most pro-abort president we’ve ever had & he’s not afraid to announce it.
    I was listening to EWTN radio this morning, Teresa Tomeo, & she had JD Mullane as a guest, he’s a pro-life reporter in Philly that sat in on the Gosnell trial from the beginning, & he said that the CDC released statistics in 2008 that 41% of live births in America are born out of wedlock & another 20% of live births are aborted… LIVE BIRTHS… LIVE BABIES ARE BORN THEN KILLED… That’s 61% of children born in the US has tremendous odds against them from the very beginning… America is ANTI-CHILDREN… that’s where our nation is & I’ll bet the numbers are even higher today, because that was 5 years ago. America has lost its way.
    As Mother Angelica said, “Hell is a terrible way to find out there IS a hell!”
    Pope Pius warned America to be careful not to lose her soul & I think this is exactly what he was talking about.

    After all that Obama has done while in office, he should be in jail right now… but, he’ll answer to God for supporting abortion. I pray he has a change of heart… I pray they ALL have a change of heart!!! I’d rather see a man have a change of heart & repent than to go to hell.


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