Today is the  Fifth  day of Lent and I think I’m on a roll.  I’m playing this beautiful Lenten game with a few friends:  one off line and one friend from Faith Hope and Cherrytea  – Some of us are keeping a list of  the things  we are grateful for, posting a photograph or posting a full post. . .  for 40 days. It seems to be an easy task.  As I do with many of my thoughts and treasures I think I’ll keep my list here. And, since I haven’t picked up my camera in weeks I want to post a new photo each day with that list.  Please play along – it’s great fun and strangely freeing.

These are the rule. Don’t worry,  they are simple and we would love for you to join us: Like I am doing write down one or ten things you are grateful for,  add a photograph or not if would like.   My friend off line sends me 5 things she is grateful for. Faith Hope and Cherrytea is linking up with a  beautiful photograph each day. Some of us like poems, quotes whatever you want to do to show gratitude.   Feel free to jump in for one day or all the whole 40 days and  don’t forget to encourage others. We all love comments.

Let’s inspire each other and share our love. Happy Lent Journey to you.

xoxo, Lisa

Valentien photo Back of card

1.) I’m grateful for the weekends.  When time just slows down just a little.

2.) I’m grateful for unexpected hugs and hearing “I love you mom.”

3.) I’m grateful my kids friends feel welcomed enough in our home to just come in, sit down and talk to us – even when our kids are not home. I am grateful this is the gathering place.

4.) I’m grateful my seven year old includes me in her imaginary play.

5.) I am so very grateful my kids are good friends with each other. They help each other and celebrate each others good qualities – Now that they are getting older it’s such a beautiful thing to watch.

Card A

6.) I’m grateful  this day was so beautiful – it was 70 degrees here today. I’m so grateful for the warm sun.

7.) I’m grateful Kathryn is home tonight. Even though her weekend of fun was cute short. I’m happy to have her home and out spending time with her brother.

8.) I’m grateful my kids are so willing to help their Nana.  She calls and they go. . . It’s a beautiful thing.

9.) I’m grateful for Saturday night Mass and the thought of sleeping in tomorrow.

10.) I’m mostly grateful my cousins daughter is home resting after brain surgery and seems to be doing well.

Well! It’s day five and t’s time you knew that I’m a cheater.  These photos are from Valentines Day and since I have never posted these photos and I’m talking a lot about love here I thought I would use them.

Shuuu don’t tell anyone, maybe no one will notice.

Have a great Sunday Y’all!


Sunday Snapshot /  Sunday in my City / Still Saturday

Each day I will post a new linky – Feel free to jump in whenever your ready.

14 thoughts on “Day 5 . . . Lent

  1. I think your Lenten observations are grand, no matter when the photos were taken. I never thought about a photo journey for Lent. Glad I stopped by.


  2. Love the photo Love!
    so sweet =)
    You have much for which to be thankful – wonderful to put it into words increasing recognition.
    A great reason for keeping a gratitude journal I’ve found – many benefits =)

    HapPy weekending, Lisa!



  3. Many thanks for the follow on my blog. I hope you will return again soon and often. I love your focus on Lent on your blog. Love the precious little girl! Sunny Sunday!


  4. Hi
    I am following you at Still Saturday (even though it is Monday – I think). Great idea for the 40 days of Lent. I am reading through the New Testament with Margaret Feinberg. And teaching Not a Fan – by Kyle Idleman.
    Blessings to you,


    1. Oh! I’m so excited Janis. Thank you! Good for you for reading through the New Testament. I can’t wait to hear more about your Lent Journey. This is such a great way to start the day. 🙂 Happy Tuesday to you!


  5. I’m grateful for the beautiful way in which you think and I am also grateful for your gorgeous photographs.


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