This week Weeks ago Almost a month ago I received an award from my friend Cleo at Wemmicks-in-training. It was truly so very nice of her to think of me and really she shouldn’t have. With that said thank you Ms. Cleo….
But, like most things having this award comes with rules. The recipient is to list 10 things that truly make them happy. I thought I would do this for Black and White Wednesday…Maybe this is what took me so long. But, I never said which Black and White Wednesday it would be.

First of all I would have to start with this guy.
My husband…((as of June 15)) for 19 years. He still takes my breath away and makes me very happy.  

Then of course, I am very happy to have this guy in my life…My son Matthew…
He’s a joy and a research bug. If it is in front of him he will read it and then find out more about it.
Then of course there is Stephen…..Stephen would give you the shirt right off his back…He is the kindest, most gentle young man I know…I am proud to say I am his mother. May he never change.

This girl makes my heart sing with pride…My daughter, Kathryn Grace with the beautiful face. And let’s not forget about the brains and personality to go with that beautiful face. She has it all.

and last but never least…There is Mary Elizabeth…Sassy Mai…She takes my breath away and keeps me smiling. This one little girl brings so much joy to everyone around her.

There is always good food…covered in Chocolate to share with my dear sister.
Having a fine drink from a beautiful glass that sings is always a joy to be hold.

Special Occasions and being surrounded by family.
Being near water makes me feel so alive.
AND then there are the Memories.
Knowing I am part of something bigger then I am, brings me more then happiness. It simply brings me joy. 
Thanks MelissaCleo
The second part of having this award requires me to pass it on…. I will do so with pleasure.
To all I have passed this along……Enjoy!
the long road

19 thoughts on “Black and White Happiness 101

  1. Mom called and told me to read your blog. I'm not sure if it's the memories from this post or the fact that – that cookie was really, really good – that has me in tears. Yeah your right. It's the cookie. And the fact that we only get them when a certain someone whose "simply sweet" comes to visit! (Not meaning to exclude other fav babes who bring hot fudge…yep! There I go — tearin' again!)Nice post. Love, Marg


  2. I loved reading this – and getting to know you and your family a little better! Your daughter does have a pretty face 🙂 both of them do actually 🙂 What handsome boys you have. I love my wine in pretty glasses too! You will have to email me and tell me what city you are in! We have never lived in SC before.


  3. oops, I just reread your post – of course I meant I like my "drink" from a pretty glass. It is 7 am here, what am I thinking?! lol.


  4. Oh, it was well worth the wait…as these photos are simply terrific!! And I think you and your husband must make such a handsome couple! You are both so good-looking! As for your kids? Fantastic! You do have so much happiness in your life…in spite of the grief. I'm so very glad because if anyone deserves such happiness, it is you. Love you, Janine XO


  5. Good grief but you are really acquiring a devoted "following"!!! Took me an hour to read through all those comments!!! 😉 I've always told you how loveable you and the fam were!!! Now do you believe me??? It even comes through your writing! Thanks for the heads-up about the comment your mother left. I wouldn't have seen it.Want to go visit her and take the kids with me one day this summer…think she'd be o.k. with that?BTW, TOO COOL post!


  6. Hi Lisa,first i want to thank you so very much for you kind words of support. You lifted me up when I was really down. have a beautiful family, each and everyone of them…beautiful smiles… their momma…thirdly..thank you very much for this award…I've missed your blog..while i've been "away"..thanks for still popping by mine.xo


  7. Congrats on your award…Thanks so much for passing it on, but now what do I do with it? What a beautiful family you have, such wonderful pictures and memories. May our Lord continue to bless you and your family.Thank you for visiting my blog and being a follower. God bless, Lloyd


  8. HOORAY!! Congrats on your award:)Such a beautiful post that perfectly shows us all the things that make you happy!!Now I need to go find me a black and white cookie to go with my morning coffee…YUMMM…that looked so good:)Lisa


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