“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

I have had this on my refrigerator for weeks.  And so here we are . . .

Facebook Cover Kathryn

The girl who loves music is in trouble.

We are in trouble

She had a terrible car accident yesterday morning.  After much rain in the area she slide on wet road and hit many trees.  God is good and he sent us many gifts. She was found right away, and was treated right away.

Here is what I know: She is strong. She is our fighter.

She is now stable but, critical condition. We have made it through the first 24 hours without anything crazy happening. Now we must make it through the next 24 hours.

She has significant fractures to her skull, broken: collarbone, and clavicle. She has a very bruised lung that will keep her on a ventilator for 3-5 days.

Her vital signs are good.  Thank you Jesus!

The CT scan has come back twice saying there is little swelling. THANK GOD. They tell us  this can still go either way but, for now we hold on to the good news. . .  she is sedated but, resting.

Thank you for your prayers. They are keeping us strong. We couldn’t do it another way.

I’ll keep you posted when I can.



there are so many

She’s alive

We are together

the love from family and friends is overwhelmingly comforting . . . again

39 thoughts on “our Kathryn

  1. Praying for her and your family. On Nov. 1, my 7 year old nephew suffered a traumatic brain injury, after he and his dad collided on their dirt bikes. The right frontal lobe took all the impact when he landed. Life flight was called. Upon arrival, they immediately intubated and sedated him. The initial tests showed a possible skull fracture, but no other broken bones or damage to major organs. He had some minor brain swelling, but not enough to require any immediate intervention. The following day (Monday), there were some ominous signs. He was in a coma and struggling to come out of it. By Tuesday evening, he was moved to intermediate care. By Friday, he was alert enough to be released from the hospital. Slowly, over the next two weeks, his speech completely returned. His initial at-home PT and OT evaluations concluded he didn’t require any therapy. He had three private Speech therapy sessions and is getting minimal intervention at school, mainly to ensure that he continues to improve on some of the more challenging speech skills. Monday, he will return to school full time. If you weren’t aware of his injury and didn’t know him before the TBI, you’d have no idea that two months ago today, he was in coma. Those of us that know him, can see that the world around him still overstimulates him at times. By all accounts, my sweet Hudson is a miracle. There is no other explanation as to how he has recovered this quickly. We had to constantly remind ourselves that the brain stem heals from bottom up. The turtle became his team mascot. “Slow and steady wins the race.” While we all want our kiddos to just jump out of bed and show us big signs of improvement, we have to remember that these little things are actually huge accomplishments. I pray that you feel God’s loving arms wrapped around you. I pray that you feel a sense of calm, peace, strength, perseverance, focus, and most importantly – all the positive energy surrounding her. God has big plans for this girl!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Holly – I’m so happy about your nephew and I will pray for him to fully recover. Thank you for your prayers for our girl. She will be okay – I can feel the power of love, prayer and God. xo


  2. Praying for your beautiful girl Kathryn, and the entire family. That she will be fully healed as Holly’s nephew Hudson was. I know first hand that the power of prayer is truly remarkable. I have had so many people praying for me these past ten months since being diagnosed with cancer, and I am so thankful for every one. So I will keep you all in prayer. God has great plans for your gorgeous girl. Much love, hugs, and prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oh, my dear friend! i am just now reading about this!! how i have missed you and our ’email’ talks, lisa, so tonight after far, far, too long a time, i come back here to learn about your dear, sweet daughter, kathryn!

    i can’t even begin to tell you how very sorry i am that i haven’t been in touch with you before now, and the reasons, well, there are many, but they can wait … you, kathryn, and all of your family are much more important and forefront in my heart and mind, and most of all in my prayers right now! so, i am here, stepping back in time to when this journey began for you all, and where our Heavenly Father stepped in to carry kathryn, and your family during this difficult time! i am going to begin here and read more of God’s amazing grace in her progress through your postings … He is such a good, good Father, and i know He will continue to carry all of you in His loving arms!

    i am going to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, and i am going to stay in touch and keep up with you, dear friend! i have two of your email addresses from our past correspondence, and i am wondering which one is best to write to you. if you still have mine and want to send a reply to this by email, i’ll check for that, too! i want to reconnect and catch up with you again, lisa! i hope you haven’t forgotten me! please let your sweet kathryn know she has someone else praying for her, too … you all do! hope to hear from you soon!!

    love, hugs, & prayers!
    ~ deborah

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my dear friend! Of course I haven’t forgotten you. I have thought of you often. In fact I went to you blog just the other day. I went to leave you a message but then something happened – it’s a busy house I live in. 🙂 don’t worry at all about not being intouch. Oh I underrated completely. And thank you so much for your prayers for Kathryn. It’s been a very fast but long two months. She is recovering more every day. I’m so grateful. Either email will work. Mark and I are out of town at Emory right now. It’s heart biopsy time. 🙂 I’ll be in touch. Much love my friend. Xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So very happy to hear from you, Lisa! XO I will be in touch by email … we are going through a major situation in our lives right now and I’ll let you know there! And, I will be praying for this heart biopsy that Mark is having done, and for safe travels! Much, much love returned to you dear friend!! XO


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